Dubai Financial Services Authority

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About DFSA

The DFSA was established pursuant to DIFC Law No. 1 of 2004 (the DIFC Regulatory Law) as the independent financial services regulator of the DIFC. The DFSA has regulatory oversight of financial services conducted in and from the DIFC including wealth management, banking, credit activities, securities, collective investment, custodial services, commodities/futures, Islamic finance and (re)insurance.

The DFSA has established, and strives to maintain, an environment that fosters the DIFC guiding principles of integrity, transparency and efficiency. It has done so by embedding uncompromisingly high standards in a clear, succinct and flexible regulatory framework based on international best practices relevant to a modern international financial centre.

In discharging its regulatory mandate, the DFSA has a statutory obligation to pursue the following objectives.

  • To foster and maintain fairness, transparency and efficiency in the financial services industry (namely, the financial services and related activities carried on) in the DIFC.
  • To foster and maintain confidence in the financial services industry in the DIFC.
  • To foster and maintain the financial stability of the financial services industry in the DIFC, including the reduction of systemic risk.
  • To prevent, detect and restrain conduct that causes or may cause damage to the reputation of the DIFC or the financial services industry in the DIFC, through appropriate means including the imposition of sanctions.
  • To protect direct and indirect users and prospective users of the financial services industry in the DIFC.
  • To promote public understanding of the regulation of the financial services industry in the DIFC.
  • To pursue any other objectives as the Ruler may, from time-to-time, set under DIFC Law.

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